Dr. Elijah Ezendu

A life of devotion, diligence, discipline and discovery.

Dr Elijah Ezendu is a Certified Management Consultant with expertise in Interim Management, Strategy, Execution, Competitive Intelligence, Restructuring, Turnaround, Transformation, HR, ADR, Business Development, Business Growth, Service Excellence, Organizational Ambidexterity, Leadership, Mergers, Acquisitions, Alliance Development, Due Diligence, Sustainability, Technology Strategy & Software Architecture. He had functioned as Member of Commission on Environmental, Economic, and Social Policy at International Union for Conservation of Nature, Switzerland; Chairman Advisory Board, Igbo Filmmakers Forum; Chairman of Board, Motus Health Initiative; Chairman of Board, Charisma Broadcast Film Academy; Group Chief Operating Officer, Idova Group; CEO, Rubiini (UAE); Special Advisor, Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria; Director, MMNA Investments; Chair, Int’l Board of GCC Business Council (UAE); Senior Partner, Shevach Consulting; Chairman (CMC Certification), Chairman (Board of Fellows), Lead Assessor & Governing Council Member, Institute of Management Consultants, Nigeria; Lead Resource, Centre for Competitive Intelligence Development; Lead Consultant/ Partner, JK Michaels; Turnaround Project Director, Consolidated Business Holdings Limited; Technical Director, Gestalt; Chief Operating Officer, Rohan Group; Executive Director (Various Roles), Fortuna, Gambia & Malta; Vice Chairman of Board, Refined Shipping; Director of Programmes & Governing Council Member, Institute of Business Development, Nigeria; Member of TDD Committee, International Association of Software Architects, USA; Member of Strategic Planning and Implementation Committee, Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria; Member of Marketing Committee, International Council of Management Consulting Institutes; Country Director (Nigeria) & Adjunct Faculty (MBA Programme), Regent Business School, South Africa; Adjunct Faculty (MBA Programme), Ladoke Akintola University of Technology; Board Member, Technology Strategy Think Tank; Editor-in-Chief, Cost Management Journal; Member of National Executive Council, Institute of Internal Auditors of Nigeria; Developer of Specialist Master’s Degree Programme in Business Development, Jones International University, USA; Member, Board of Directors (Several Organizations). He holds Doctoral Degree in Management, Master of Business Administration and Fellow of Professional Institutes in North America, UK & Nigeria. He is an Innovator of heralded frameworks: Among other things, Corporate Investment Structure Based on Financials and Intangibles, for all-inclusive valuation, highlighting intangible contributions of host communities and ecological environment. It’s a model celebrated internationally (including Social Innovation Side Event of 2016 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco) as remedy for unmitigated depreciation of ecological capital and developmental deprivation of host communities. He had served as Examiner to Professional Institutes and External Examiner to Universities. He officiated as Judge at various International and National Awards. He had been a Music Producer and Member of Guild of Soundtrack Producers of Nigeria, as a Musical Artiste contributing to film development in Nollywood. He's an author and extensively featured speaker, who had delivered keynote speeches, technical papers, summit disquisitions and diverse training listings across countries.